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To Find and Define the True Martial Art! 

Defining the Martial Arts

The following data is applicable to all arts: Aikido, Kenpo, MMA, Kung Fu, whatever. Simply, it doesn’t matter what martial art you study, to be successful, to reach the pinnacle of your discipline, you must do the following.

1)  Realize that you are an ‘I am.’ Know that you are a spiritual entity.

2)  Create space. Do not generate staticky thoughts.

3) Focus your awareness on one thing. Learn to concentrate awareness, and you will find unlimited abilities.

4) Do not be positive in your action, do not be negative. Simply maintain distance and learn to be aware in the middle of chaos.

5) Realize that: For something to be true, the opposite must also be true. This defines the universe as a motor, and everything in the universe as individual motors.

6) Understand that you are not the screen for the universe, but rather the projector. The universe does what it does in response to your specific thoughts.

7) Treat others as you would be treated yourself. Recognize them as spiritual entities, help them learn to create space, and all the other items of this missive.

8) Practice your discipline every day. No matter if it is Kenpo, Karate, Krav Maga, or whatever, practice, and use that practice to focus the points of this missive.

9) Align yourself. Align your body with the physics of the universe, align your mind so that there is never contention, either from within or without, and then you will succeed.

10) Always step outside of your established patterns; find the ‘new you’ by refusing to do the same old same old; seek new methods, new ways of thinking, new everything.

And, it goes without saying, that the true art will manifest quicker if you are studying a matrixed martial art, or are matrixing your martial art.

Have a great work out!

About the author: Al Case is the inventor of Matrixing Technology, the only true science of the martial arts. His books and videos may be seen at,, and various other sites on the internet. 

martial arts

Introducing Church of Martial Arts

Martial Arts and religion, sort of an oxymoron, eh?

I mean, what do you do, kill ’em and then convert ’em? That’s sort of backwards.

That said, only a fool would argue with the spiritual benefits of the martial arts. Heck, there is a long history of spirituality in the martial arts. Every martial art sems to be influenced by Christianity or Taoism or Buddhism, or whatever.

The problem, of course, is that the martial arts are leeching on to what has been created, and not being established for what they are: a might fine method for discovering the truth of a man’s soul. This is somewhat true even for such things as the Shaolin Temple, or the Mountain monasteries of China.

So this site is about a religion that is martial arts based. It is not trying to align the martial arts with other practices.

This actually covers a lot of ground.

At heart is the fact that man is Awareness.

If you examine the universe it is nothing but objects flying around and colliding with each other. So, objects in space. And what isa man? He is an object floating around and having collisions…seeming at whim.

But, then what is Awareness?

You can measure the universe, but you cannot measure Awareness. It is a classic case of abstract v the concrete. Thus, Awareness, being the only ‘thing’ not actually ‘of’ this universe, it becomes the sole goal of our efforts.

Can you become more Aware? Anybody who has partaken of the Martial Arts disciplines knows that you can.

Can you become Aware of that which is All Aware? Anybody who has an ounce of faith in their soul would agree wholeheartedly. And those who don’t agree need merely delve into a true martial art to find the answer.

So, we seek. And a new door is opened. A new method, which takes into account all other methods, and which resolves classic questions, and which has a certain footpath, complete with certain sign posts.

Do your martial arts as prescribed. Matrix them to make them faster, and so to get where you are going faster. Study Neutronics to increase your natural, spiritual abilities, and to fully exploit your own personal power.

Find the truth of yourself.

Indeed, your body is a temple, and your form is a prayer. Move the temple enough, pray enough, and your answers will be manifest.

It is a simple enough procedure, takes only heart and soul, conviction and belief. Anybody can do it. If they are a fanatic, a zealot, a person who is used to getting things done.
