Tag Archives: zen martial arts

The Zen Simplicity of Martial Arts

To Be or Not to Be Martial Arts Style

To the beginner the martial arts, and this includes Karate, Kung Fu, Aikido, Tai Chi Chuan, and all other martial disciplines, can be less than simple. There is simply an overwhelm of information, a ‘disgruntlement’ of the mind at the massive influx of new materials.

The simple truth, however, is that the truth is simple.

martial arts discipline
The answers are in you…if you have the discipline to look.

Why these subjects, be they karate or jujitsu or whatever, would not be simple, once once absorbed, is merely the result of engaging the mind to try and describe what is ‘not mind.’

For instance, in the beginning one must wade through instructions concerning physics, anatomy, history, philosophy, and so on. This is made more complex as different arts propose different structure and on many levels, and then often disagree.

The harmony of Aikido is similar to the absorption of Tai Chi Chuan, but there is sufficient difference to argue the terminology.

The striking methods of Wing Chun and boxing, though at heart still just a strike, can be argued ad infinitum.

But in the end, proven by simple and direct experience, a human being is constructed of flesh (body), mind (memories), and spirit (awareness). Thus, all physics, which is the heart of all sciences, can be rendered to a fine simplicity.

The fact is that the discipline of the martial arts focuses on doing to the exclusion of the mind, and thus is achieved enlightenment. Enlightenment is considered, from the unique viewpoint of an accomplished martial arts discipline, to be aware of the self as awareness.

And, yes, the above statement, so simple, is the summation that can be applied on any and all levels of all martial arts.

To do a single act, a kata or technique, a kick or throw, until there is no thought (no interference from the mind), and is intuitive, opens the door to enlightenment.

For once one looks at a fist approaching the face in terms of simple survival, one will begin to look at the approach of the universe in the same way.

Not an overwhelm of factors to be adjusted through eternal tweakings of computations, but a simple ‘Is it going to hit me or not.’

Followed by a simple, ‘Do I block or get out of the way.’

Not complex at all.

The unfortunate truth, however, is that man insists on his own significance in the universe by creating endless paradigm for his actions.

Thus we have reasons of physics, disagreements of anatomy, descriptions of philosophy, and all filtered through the various misunderstandings inherent in unaccomplished and divergent martial arts.

And these are all justifications for one’s existence.

‘To be or not to be,’ placed in endless loop.

But the simple truth is if one practices the discipline, and this of widely varied arts such as Karate or Aikido,Tai Chi Chuan or Kenpo, then one is engaged in ignoring the mind; one is functioning in an emptiness of reason and a purity of awareness.

Survival blots out psychological ramifications, and puts an end to philosophical meanderings – and justifications – of the awareness trying to look at itself, but so very unable.

To sum, it is not all the reasons, but the source of reason, the ‘I am,’ that is responsible for conundrum, and the resolution therewith.

The easiest way to cut through the fog of the martial arts, to ignore the mind and to find the truth of the self, is through the logic of matrixing. To matrix the martial arts is to rid the art of silly significance, and to place all the elements and pieces in the correct and easily assimilate-able order.

Matrixing can be found at MonsterMartialArts.com. Further juxtapositions of martial arts philosophy, real as opposed to the justifications of students mired in the endless mirrors of their own minds, can be read at ChurchofMartialArts.com.

Howling in the Night at Monkeyland!

The Power of the Kiai is Felt at Monkeyland!

A couple of days ago I saw a herd of cows coming up the road to Monkeyland.

Now, I’ll teach just about anybody, but I won’t teach cows. Cows eat the crops, eat the bark off of carefully tended trees, drop their crap everywhere, and are good for nothing but rib eye.

martial arts church
Are you seeking enlightenment?

So I went to the porch and gave them a kiai.

They froze in place, stared up at me.

“Do not come up here!” I boomed. Echoes of my voice rounded the valley, burning my stereophonic instructions into their bovine brains.

They stood, in a quandary, unsure as to what to do.

I repeated my instructions. Again and again.

And the cows went up the other road, away from Monkeyland.

My wife laughed. The idea of me treating cows like…like politically correct morons, and getting away with it.

Only in Monkeyland.

So last night we heard the coyotes howling.

We can’t have coyotes in Monkeyland. They eat the cats, and then the mice don’t get eaten, and the mice then crawl up under the engines of our machines and eat the wires. So, no coyotes. I won’t teach them, and I certainly won’t have them eating our cats.

In a flash I was out on the porch, three in the morning, nekkid, booming my kiai howl across the hills. Dog stood beside me and stared up at me in wonder.

Echoes faded out and a deep silence filled the valley.

The coyotes had been warned, and that by the Pope of Monkeyland.

Satisfied, I went to sleep.

Well, almost satisfied.

I have driven off the cows and coyotes, I am making a place fit for martial arts students of the finest caliber.

So, in my best, booming kiai…COME!


BTW ~ check out pages on friends and donations and products on this site. You can contribute to the greatest undertaking in the martial arts since Shaolin!

Walking the Circle in Pa Kua Chang to Enter Insanity

Pa Kua Chang and Walking the Circle

Pa Kua Chang, or Bagua Zhang as some describe it, is a weird martial art where in one participatings in walking the circle till one discovers the reality of one self.

Like a puppy chasing his tale till he discovers Buddha.

walking the circle
Walking the Circle has Subtle Applications!


Like Black Sambo forming leopards into … liquid gold.

Like just what is the race of guy racing to?

Dong Hai Chuan was a likable chap with a fascination for martial arts. He engaged in Shaolin Kung Fu, so the tale goes, and reached a point where he was so really good he took to the road and started roaming, seeking instructors able to instruct him more.

His search led him throughout the Wudan Mountains of rural China, back where the mystic sanctuaries stood, and legends had it that old expertise existed in pure design. His search led him to a rare religious sect whose specialists thought that one could possibly find out the reality of the universe by … walking the circle.

So Dong walked the circle, day in day out, in search of his divine nature. For 9 years he walked the circle, and one might well picture the taunts of passersby.

“Examine the old man chasing his shadow!”

“Hey buddy! Place it on a straight line and you could get somewhere!”

“Har de har har!”

Yet, rain or shine, under blazing sunshine and during freezing snow, Dong carried on his trek, seeking the honest truth of himself.

At last, some 9 years into his voyage, he stated to the monks of the mysterious sect that … wasn’t it odd that … the tree he was walking around appeared to be chasing him? That the tree in fact appeared to bending over?

Was the tree bending over? Or was something in his mind bending over? Or was something in his mind just coming to be … unbent?

The monks eyed one other, and one lightly put forward, “An additional 2 years.”

So on went Dong, round and round, circle after circle, nose after tail. And possibly this is where he integrated his Shaolin with the never-ending walking of the circle. Probably this is where the circle came to be imbued with the art of violence, and came to be not simply a repository of religious fanaticism. Maybe this is where the creative mixture of self with the fanatical quest of God comes to be … whatever it comes to be.

Did Dong at last manage to catch the reality of himself?

No reference of ‘the bolt out of the blue’ striking the formerly young lad is made in the histories. Just what is understood, nevertheless, is that he attained a high degree of skills, that he was so profound at circle walking that he had the ability to defeat the Emperor’s bodyguards, and come to be main teacher of that celebrated ‘clan.’ And there are tales of him fading away under the attacking hand, of tiing up mighty warriors in fragile knots simply to observe them fall, of consulting his followers even after passing.

Bolt out of the blue or proficiency, this author thinks that skills is the more valued. However, that stated, we visit the heart of the fable.

We recognize not whether Dong discovered himself, however we do recognize that an individual who walks in a circle is insane. Such purposeless endeavor, specifically in this godless earth, is the heart of insanity. Yet … is insanity not simply a characteristic that others can not discover? Does not one have to go ‘in’ sane to discover real sanity?

The guy who pounds his palm upon a stone, hour after hour, day in day out, year after year … does he make powerful the hand? Or at last divine that the universe genuinely is built of space?

That young child who will come to be old doing his kung fu forms, does he battle hordes and legions in his mind? Or does he exhaust his mind of all hordes and legends?

That acorn … will it truly come to be an oak?

The acorn could fall down a deserted gopher hole, and it could root into fertile ground … however it is time that makes the mighty oak, and the infinite and insane wish to grub into the ground … merely to discover the sky.

We are all grubs … however have we discovered the earth? Will we see the heavens?

Trust Dong Hai Chuan for the answer to that one, yet only ask if you are walking the circle, if you are pursuing yourself with Pa Kua Chang, round and round, year after year, breath after breath.

The writer walked the circle, did Pa Kua Chang for 2 years, till human beings started to bend over, lightening filled his legs, and energy stripes barber poled out his arms … you can easily discover his Pa Kua Chang at Monster Martial Arts.

martial arts

Introducing Church of Martial Arts

Martial Arts and religion, sort of an oxymoron, eh?

I mean, what do you do, kill ’em and then convert ’em? That’s sort of backwards.

That said, only a fool would argue with the spiritual benefits of the martial arts. Heck, there is a long history of spirituality in the martial arts. Every martial art sems to be influenced by Christianity or Taoism or Buddhism, or whatever.

The problem, of course, is that the martial arts are leeching on to what has been created, and not being established for what they are: a might fine method for discovering the truth of a man’s soul. This is somewhat true even for such things as the Shaolin Temple, or the Mountain monasteries of China.

So this site is about a religion that is martial arts based. It is not trying to align the martial arts with other practices.

This actually covers a lot of ground.

At heart is the fact that man is Awareness.

If you examine the universe it is nothing but objects flying around and colliding with each other. So, objects in space. And what isa man? He is an object floating around and having collisions…seeming at whim.

But, then what is Awareness?

You can measure the universe, but you cannot measure Awareness. It is a classic case of abstract v the concrete. Thus, Awareness, being the only ‘thing’ not actually ‘of’ this universe, it becomes the sole goal of our efforts.

Can you become more Aware? Anybody who has partaken of the Martial Arts disciplines knows that you can.

Can you become Aware of that which is All Aware? Anybody who has an ounce of faith in their soul would agree wholeheartedly. And those who don’t agree need merely delve into a true martial art to find the answer.

So, we seek. And a new door is opened. A new method, which takes into account all other methods, and which resolves classic questions, and which has a certain footpath, complete with certain sign posts.

Do your martial arts as prescribed. Matrix them to make them faster, and so to get where you are going faster. Study Neutronics to increase your natural, spiritual abilities, and to fully exploit your own personal power.

Find the truth of yourself.

Indeed, your body is a temple, and your form is a prayer. Move the temple enough, pray enough, and your answers will be manifest.

It is a simple enough procedure, takes only heart and soul, conviction and belief. Anybody can do it. If they are a fanatic, a zealot, a person who is used to getting things done.
