What an Abbot is…
An Abbot is in charge of a department of Monkeyland. He is in charge of training instructors.

And the central motivation behind Monkeyland is to train sufficient Martial Arts instructors that they may go out and change the world of Martial Arts, bring it to a higher level than it has ever achieved before.
An Abbot has three distinct duties.
First, he is in charge of training instructors.
Second, he is in charge of a department(s). Which means he might have the duty of seeing to the building of the library, the care of livestock, the planting of crops, the construction of buildings, and so on.
Third, he is charged with research. It is his task to research the Martial Arts of the world, to fix them as he can, to make new ones if he can’t.
Lastly, he is charged with keeping Matrixing pure, ensuring that all Arts which claim lineage or even influence from Monkeyland do, in fact, hold to Matrixing and Neutronic Principles.
An abbot will depend on the Create Your Own Art Course for his research, and the various writings of Al Case to ensure that the Martial Arts become pure and stay pure.