
What is Wrong?

Not a one of us hasn’t asked that question…what is wrong with me?

Heck, it is an interesting question because, let’s face it, we are the most interesting thing in this universe. We’re more interesting than rocks or cars or how to make yellow pudding.

whats wrong with life

But the real point here is that at some point we question ourselves, ask whats wrong with me, and wonder why life is all fouled up.

Maybe the parents are rotten, maybe the kids show no respect, maybe the boss is ragging…maybe the durned politicians are acting up and raising taxes. There really is no end to the problems that this life can bring.

So what’s wrong with you? Actually, the only thing wrong with you is you don’t know where you are, what you are supposed to do, or even who you are.

I mean, don’t let me be gentle or anything, but we gots some problems!

Now, the solution is find out where you are, who you are, and make up your mind what you want to do. And, funny, thing, these things are easily resolved.

The short answer: you are awareness. You are in the universe. You are supposed to find something to do and do it.

Longer answer.

You are awareness. This can be ascertained by doing something as simple as assuming a yoga posture and sitting in it, and letting your imagination drift. Heck. You are awareness. And, truth, you could figure this out with a loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and somebody you like.

Where you are is a universe. This universe is a bunch of space defined by objects that collide with you.

You can survive or not depending upon your ability to calculate the flow of objects (their direction and speed) and their probability of colliding with you.

Interestingly, this last formula: analyze and handle force and direction, is at the heart of the martial arts. In fact, the martial arts are the ONLY discipline on earth which results in enlightenment of the practitioner. Interestingly, not many people, even martial arts students, realize this. They think they are fighting. A few get the bolt out of the blue, but most just become calm and confident.
But isn’t calm and confident the result of knowing how to handle the force and flow of objects in this universe? Isn’t that enlightenment? Or at least the obvious result of enlightenment, whether one realizes they are enlightened or not?

So you are you, Aware. And you are in a universe that, if you study the martial arts, becomes easy to handle.

Guaranteed, once you have some martial arts under your belt, life works better. You get better jobs, you are less prone to get sick, your children aren’t so disrespectful, even plain, old people on the street treat you like you are something special.

Of course, I don’t expect you to believe me. I am not even trying to push martial arts on you. what I really want you to do is consider the logic of this article, and then think about whether you would like your life to work.

If you want your life to work, if you want to find out what you are supposed to do, then check out some of the neutronics on this site, see if the logic holds true, then consider taking up a discipline, or at least finding out what is behind the discipline (Neutronics).

Have a great day, and I hope you never have to ask yourself that question again…What is Wrong With Me?

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