New Method for Getting Your Matrix Karate Black Belt
Okay, so I’m going to Monkeyland, and top of my priorities is getting people to their Matrix Karate Black Belt.
Now, this is going to be fierce, so hold on to your undies and get ready to make a decision. Here is the first, official program being offered to live in students at the Church of Martial Arts.

To set this up, let me explain something.
Currently it takes about 4 years to get to Black Belt. This time frame has resulted because:
people have added on to workable systems, and thus confused them.
karate has been geared towards tournaments.
karate has been dumbed down for teaching children.
karate has been slanted for behavior modification.
karate has lost control by using protective pads.
karate has been…changed, altered, modified and…corrupted.
But…people like Mike Stone and Chuck Norris were getting to black belt in a year to a year and a half. This was back before Karate became such a financial success, and self destructed.
Now, it is no secret that I was getting people to Black Belt in one year. I detailed the system I used in the ‘Outlaw Karate’ course.
Then I started Matrixing, and things got REAL fast.
Let’s consider the time involved.
Most people take 2 – 4 hours of instruction a week. It they work out an hour a day that is considered a lot.
In a year, the, you are getting some 300 hours of work out.
But how much actual instruction are you getting?
Most people get five minutes of instruction a day, and the rest is sweat with no explanation because ‘the form will teach you.’
But the idea that the forms will teach you is a lousy one. Because the forms have been corrupted.
Have you ever heard the phrase ‘Practice makes perfect?’
It’s a lie.
The real truth here is that ‘perfect practice makes perfect.’
Simply, if you practice a corrupted system, and virtually all martial arts these days are corrupted, then you will simply monkey see monkey do (memorize) a corrupt system.
No wonder Karate sometimes gets a bad rap!
Now, I have brought a person to Black Belt in three months. This is 120 lessons, which was actually maybe forty hours of instruction. Maybe less.
But the instruction was perfect, because it was based on The Master Instructor Course!’
Yes, I had the student do the Master Instructor Course, and I backed it up with my instruction. So he was getting perfect karate…perfectly!
So…30 – 40 hours? Something like that?
So, here comes the Monkeyland deal.
Come live at Monkeyland for a month.
I will do my best to get you to Black Belt in that month.
Mind you, we are talking about maybe 4 hours of instruction a day. This is variable, because there is a lot of stuff that has to be done up there to make it self sufficient.
But, 4 hours a day for 20 days is…80 hours! I say 20 days because I will run classes intensively for three weeks, then I have to gear down and see to other things that are going to be happening.
Do you think I can get you to your Black Belt in Matrix Karate within 80 hours?
I sure do.
Heck, most of you have martial arts experience, and the learning curve is going to be astonishing!
But even if you don’t have martial arts experience, I think I can get you there.
Mind you, I don’t guarantee, but you know that my reputation is on the line, and the reputation of Monkeyland itself!
Simply, I have to make a certificate from Monkeyland mean something.
There are three requirements to being accepted as a live in student.
1) Write a letter (email) to me listing your experiences and why you think I should accept you as a student. Make sure you tell me about your life experiences, jobs you have held, any injuries you may have incurred during the course of your martial arts training.
2) Get and do the Matrix Karate course before you get here.
Get and do the Master Instructor Course before you get here.
And, here’s the BONUS…enough students make it to Black Belt I will run a Matrix Aikido Seminar!
This will be a complete seminar, a course based on the curriculum listed in the Matrix Aikido Course. This means grab arts, punches, weapons. If you want to be considered for this course, then you have to get and do the Matrix Aikido course before you get here, and you have to get promoted to Black Belt in Matrix Karate.
Now, this is a tough game I’ve outlined here, and it is for tough people. People who aren’t afraid of work, and who can get the job done.
Here are a couple of things to think about.
If you lie or misrepresent yourself in any way you will be asked to leave Monkeyland.
If you don’t follow the rules here you will be asked to leave. And there won’t be many rules. I’ll write them out in a later blog.
Heck, if you have bad character I’ll probably pick up on that in your letter, and you simply won’t get invited.
And, here’s another thing to think about…
How much does it cost to live for a month?
Let’s see, rent, food, clothes…whatever…can you live for $500?
Heck, $500 might cover your food, if you don’t eat too much.
But you could live here for a month for $500.
Out of work and got a couple of thou saved up?
Why the heck aren’t you at Monkeyland?
Think about it.
Living for cheap, doing martial arts hours a day, and you walk away with a certificate, an official Church of Martial Arts certificate, enabling you to teach Matrix Karate anywhere.
Even if you don’t intend to become a teacher, that is an incredible and fantastic thing.
Now, I am doing this for a very short while, prices will go up, but this will enable me to prove that Monkeyland works. And it will give me a bunch of wins that I can use to get more people up here.
And, let me be plain about it, there is an ASTONISHING amount of work that needs to be done up here.
There isn’t much water, so we need to set up a water catchment system. That means leveling off a mountain top and setting up drainage so we can catch the rain.
The mountain needs to be cooled down. We need to plant rows of shady trees, not to mention fruit trees, and irrigate them (with water that we don’t have because the catchment system isn’t in place yet!) and so on and so on.
The road needs leveling, with a side drain so it won’t wash away.
We need to chip granite off some of the rocks and use it to make the road passable in wet weather.
Simply, you’re going to be getting martial arts up the wazoo, but you’re also going to get worked until you are exhausted.
And you’ll be sleeping where you can, so bring a sleeping bag and a tent.
Sound like fun?
No. It’s more than fun. It’s actually growing up and being a pioneer, and learning a way of life that will change you forever!
And, every once in a while, there will be somebody who will be selected to stay on for free.
Somebody who thrives on the load.
Let’s be honest. Many people will be worn to the bone by the time a month is over. Even with the lessening of the load at the end of the month. It will be soul satisfying to the max…but many people will be ready to return to the work a day world.
But there is going to be that odd duck who says, ‘Gee, chipping granite and running it uphill three miles to make the road passable was fun. I liked it!’ Or, ‘Can we terrace the mountain top and make the water catchment system bigger?’ Or, ‘I like making adobe bricks and stacking them to make a house!’
Yes, there will be those kinds of ducks, and I will search them out, and I will enlist them. They are born monks, and they NEED to be at Monkeyland.
But, whether you are on vacation to make yourself the best martial artist in the world, or whether you are looking for a low paying career that fits your soul, Monkeyland is the place to be.
So, think about it. If it sounds like something you’d like to experience, then make a decision. Write me an email. It’s only a month, but it could be the most important life changing month in your entire life!
Write me at, subject line: I want to Come to Monkeyland because…
Here’s the link for Matrix Karate and the Master Instructor Course.