Motion v Non-Motion
Let me explain the difference between Matrixing and Neutronics.
Matrixing establishes an overall grid
by which you can ascertain the truth of motion…
in relation to the universe.
You’ve got to understand this,
in Matrixing you are still limited by the universe.
Do enough matrixing,
and you aren’t limited,
you get to Neutronics.

stay with me here,
I’m about to take a left turn.
If you matrix the human spirit enough
you end up with the truth of spirit.
I matrixed religion,
and that gave me virtue.
Virtue is the statement of human experience in this universe.
Stand with virtue,
and you grow larger.
Discard virtue,
and you grow smaller.
It’s an interesting truth.
But that is only religion,
and religion is not always right.
Religion is too often slanted
by personal interest,
by the quirks of the human soul,
sounds a bit like the write up on Matrix Karate,
I matrixed the human spirit,
and I found something interesting.
Matrix the human spirit enough
and you end up with the truth of spirit.
You can’t matrix any further at this point,
because the spirit has no motion,
and the universe is the illusion of motion
that one has created to give oneself experience.
Neutronics kicks in
that one might understand this state of ‘no motion.’
Get it?
Matrixing is for motion,
Neutronics is for no motion.
In essence,
Neutronics is matrixing at the spiritual level,
but the transformation of understanding that occurs here
makes the normal matrixing graphs invalid,
and demands a different but senior set of datums.
in my universe,
was backed up by my experience of enlightenment,
by doing sticky hands and getting out of my body,
seeing the universe as motion
from a motionless point.
So experience backed up theory.
here is the problem.
I wrote the books on Neutronics
removed from the martial arts.
I was interested in the datums,
and how they related to the universe,
and not through the slant of martial arts.
What this means is that if you get any books on Neutronics,
your mind gets blown,
but there isn’t a lot to connect it to the martial arts.
how do we relate Neutronics,
how do we USE Neutronics
when it comes to martial arts?
we seek that state of motionlessness
that is the truth of you.
We find the viewpoint that is apart from your body,
that exists forever,
and puts on bodies like suits of clothes,
and discards them when done.
We do this by finding perfection of motion through the forms.
We find perfection by having the right applying Matrixing.
by doing the above
you increase your awareness.
This is crucial and even the point of it all.
before I give you my example
of how to use Matrixing in the Martial Arts,
I want to say that everything I say here
is also backed up in religions texts.
Specifically the Patanjali,
if you know enough Neutronics,
you can see what all the religious texts are talking about.
here is an example of neutronics,
bear in mind that if you use neutronics
no situation can become physical.
People on the Matrix level still need the physical,
People on the Neutronics level
can defeat attackers without moving the body.
Here goes.
I walk into a room,
there are a dozen people there,
I scan them,
make note of all positions,
then I say something in a loud, booming, commanding voice, like…
‘How are my slaves today?’
‘The reason I called you all together…’
I watch them.
There are three potential responses,
and only three.
Towards me,
away from me,
or with me.
One response is,
‘What you mean slave?’
Aggression is directed towards me.
Another response is,
‘Who’s the crazy guy?’
Pushing me away.
Third and last response,
the guy who smiles,
says something like,
‘We’re fine, massa.’
You see,
He didn’t go away or towards,
he maintained balance.
He is sure of himself,
he is in the moment,
instead of reacting to my borderline communication,
he stayed with it,
engaged it,
never lost himself,
and he is the one I will gravitate to.
let’s say I’m talking to the balanced one,
and the guy who got aggressive comes up to me,
I know he’s coming towards me,
and I have done enough matrixing
that I never have to resort (grin) to martial arts.
I have choices.
I can go towards him,
away from him,
I can just balance him.
To balance him all I need to do is pick a direction
that will establish a distance
and maintain it.
this is a circle.
He closes,
I sidestep,
circle circle.
I know somebody out there is going to think,
is he a blocker, a jammer, or a runner…
oh, Al is doing Aikido or Pa Kua or…?
That would be the kenpo slant on Neutronics.
Or the Aikido slant on Neutronics.
Or some other stylistic version of Neutronics.
But Neutronics,
real Neutronics,
has no slant.
It is the truth,
the pure.
The simple.
Blocker, jammer or runner comes from Neutronics.
Neutronics doesn’t come from kenpo.
Circling comes from Neutronics,
Neutronics doesn’t come from circling.
You have to assess which is the truth here,
and which is the version.
And you have to remember that I am doing this mentally,
with no physical motion.
I circle or sidestep or go towards or away in my mind,
and that handles the reality of him
with no need for motion.
This brings us to an interesting point,
everything becomes weird
when you fold emotions into the matter.
Ever see somebody who is running angrily away?
His body is going one way,
and his emotions are going the other,
and how the heck do you handle that?
do enough Neutronics,
and you can.
And you can handle it with a sudden glow of spirit,
that pulls the plug on the twist of emotions,
and the odd manifestation of motion and emotion.
The trick is this,
everybody thinks they know about this stuff,
oh yeah,
it’s simple,
I knew that.
But they don’t.
They are still locked in systems,
running the maze of tricks and confusion,
arguing over styles,
or having opinions on techniques,
or just generally holding the opinion that they,
that their art,
is best.
And they have never gotten out of the maze
and achieved the overall viewpoint.
They haven’t gotten out because they have never done Matrixing.
Read the wins,
the fellows with the most experience,
the ones deepest into the maze,
are the ones most grateful for Matrixing.
But the point is this,
Neutronics is not a slant,
it is a moment of pure you
that lasts forever,
and enables you to solve problems
as they happen.
Neutronics is not be bound by a system,
but to be unbound in the moment.
I could give you endless examples,
for all life is but an infinite manifestation of neutronic principles.
But what is important is that you do the martial arts,
find the logic in them by matrixing.
Don’t settle for…
this technique connects to this one connects to that one…forever,
but establish a grid by which every martial arts technique has it’s place,
and the interconnection of techniques obvious.
find the principles,
do the Matrix until everything becomes crystal clear,
and you will find yourself,
and then you will understand Neutronics
in a way most difficult to describe.
Neutronics is you,
it is the rules for operating this universe,
a universe that you didn’t even know you created.
Neutronics is the ‘you-niverse.’
Okley dokley…
here’s the URL
Have a Neutronic Work out!