Category Archives: christian martial arts

Evolve a Thousand Years in One hour

Newsletter 824

The Martial Arts, and Evolution…

Speaking of matrixing, the martial arts, and evolution…
I came across an interesting thought
the other day
I was reading some old yogic scrolls,
and the claim was made
that an hour of yoga
caused a thousand years of evolution
in the person doing the yoga.

Interesting claim.

The most important Martial Arts book ever written.
The most important Martial Arts book ever written.

it’s not right,
though it does act like it is right.

After all,
when you evolve,
you are not growing,
you are reclaiming yourself.
So it’s true,
but…not really.
Which brings us to Matrixing.

When you study a martial art
that has been matrixed,
the art is logical,
and therefore the you accept it.
you like things to make sense,
to be logical.

when you matrix a martial art
you accept this logical method
of looking at and handling the world
at a much faster rate.

The difference between studying a martial art,
and matrixing it
(making it logical through your own efforts)
is the difference between driving a car
and building a car.
The fellow who builds the car
will understand that car far better
than the fellow who simply drives it.

Mind you,
in the end,
you get to where you are going.
But the fellow who makes his own vehicle
in the end,
get there faster.

that said,
there are several things that will happen,
as you matrix,
that will occur.
I don’t think I have ever laid out these results,
described this path,
so here goes…

you will tend to look at the world in a logical manner.
You will become better at solving problems.
You will become a better worker and boss.
You will become an artist.

how to study martial art
Click here to get the whole story on Matrixing the Martial Arts

Everybody sort of knows this,
most martial artists experience this,
so let me take you where most people don’t know.

you must put aside emotion.
This is an interesting thing.
People will put emotion on you,
and you will feel the need to respond with emotion.
But the Neutronic definition of emotion:

emotion is motion inside the head.

you must still the emotion,
stop the motion inside your head,
and not respond with emotion,

there is good emotion,
love, happiness, etc.
And there is bad emotion,
hate, fear, sadness, etc.

So the specific emotion you must not respond to
is the bad emotion.
Good emotion okay.
Bad emotion you must uncreate from even beginning.

Think about it,
emotion is merely the automatic response
of one who is overwhelmed.
You must not become overwhelmed,
you must view the world in logical terms,
so that nothing can surprise you,
nothing can overwhelm you.

you must defeat the distraction of memories.
You must not respond because any conditioning
you may have received.
This includes any familial conditioning,
any educational conditioning,
any conditioning of any kind.
you must create yourself in the moment.

For instance,
your father laughed at certain types of jokes before you,
do you laugh at the same kind of jokes?
Don’t you realize that he laughed at jokes in his moment?
And that you have an entirely different moment?
That will change the type of jokes you might laugh at.

For instance,
school might train you to think like a physicist,
and you will analyze the world as a physicist,
when you should analyze it as a unique being,
not trapped by an education.

(Mind, I am not saying you can’t be a physicist
and be in the moment, too)

For instance,
do you view the world through a religious viewpoint?
It would be much better
to study all religions,
to understand all religions,
than to choose one religion over all others.

Don’t become the only thing in the universe
willing to kill over a belief system.

This is simple after you have evolved a few hours…

you must separate yourself from other people,
without losing your humanity.
you must be immune to the attitudes
of your fellow man,
but you must love your fellow man
all the same.
This one is incredibly tough.
No matter how far you evolve,
there will always be some idiot
telling you what to do,
thinking he is smarter than you,
and so on.
Can you accept and even use this fellow?
And put aside your certainty
that he is an idiot?
Interesting problem, eh?

and this one is a toughie,
don’t view the world as a fantasy.
This is probably the toughest,
for you become enlightened through the things
I have previously mentioned,
then you might think that,
because you are so smart,
the world should be as you say.

For instance,
you make a battery powered car,
to save the world from pollutants,
and don’t ever consider
that someday the battery will have to be disposed of,
and that the battery might be worse
than all the oil pollutants of a gas car.

this is one of the most dangerous things
you will ever to confront
on your way to self-sufficiency
as a spiritual being…
on your way to your ultimate evolution…
on the way to the ultimate truth of yourself.

Though people haven’t discovered
the earlier truths,
they don’t know how to look at the world logically,
or control their emotion,
or control their responses to people,
they will still try to rule the world through their fantasy.

Have you ever met a fellow without an opinion?
And yet I am asking you to be one.
Toughest problem you will ever encounter.

this is the truth of matrixing
and where it leads to.

you learn to look at the world logically
through the matrixing method.
You put aside the distraction of memories,
then you put aside emotion,
other people’s thoughts,
and even fantasy.

Then you find the truth of yourself,
and you start manipulating the universe
the way it should be manipulated.

The truly odd thing is that this path
often starts with a simple motivation:
the desire to defend yourself.
The wish to become physically safe
through simple exercises and drills.

Where this path leads,
is sublime.

the one caution:
People think they can do this through any martial art.
Yet nobody has ever succeeded.

the people who think they have
are merely manifesting their fantasy of the world.
They are still mired in the muck,
and don’t understand that they have no logic.
They have only the fantasy of logic.
They have only an opinion and no facts.

So it has to be a matrixed martial art.
It can’t be a Chinese fire drill of a martial art,
it has to be a logical (matrixed) martial art.
Then it will work,
and then you can experience something like…
a thousand years of evolution
through a simple hour of exercise.

Matrix Karate starts the matrixing process.
Study the courses as you need to,
until logic outweighs fantasy in your mind.
Then you will be off and running.

But whatever you do…
don’t settle for an opinion.

Here’s a link…

1a Matrix Karate

And if you’re not ready for Matrix Karate,
then at least check out the ‘Binary Matrixing in the Martial Arts’ book,
or the ‘How to Matrix the Martial Arts’ book.
They are available on Amazon.
(leave a good review!)

have a great work out!


1a Matrix Karate

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Think and It Shall Happen…Through the Martial Arts!

The Power of Mind over Matter…

May the force be with you. Did the Egyptians levitate those pyramidal building blocks with their minds? I wanna have the power of mind over matter!

if you don't have a mind it doesn't matterHey, who doesn’t. The problem is, you don’t see anybody else who has it, either. Even the bible, translated through seventy different special interest groups, is not entirely believable when it comes to matters of the mind over matter.

That said, the first stage in learning how to have powers of mind over matter is to learn that the body is a machine. This can be done through many different methods, but the best one I have found is good old martial arts. You have to translate a lot of stuff into physics, and there is a lot of bushwah out there, but if you stick to the empirical method you can actually isolate True Martial Arts.

The second stage is learning how to use the mind. The first stage, in teaching you that the body is a machine, opens up the mind, but most people misunderstand what has happened. They think they have to build their bodies more, when, at a certain point, they have to use their bodies less, and energy less, and let their mental powers transcend any desire for physicality.

The third stage, interesting enough, deals with an analysis of flow, such as in Aikido, or Pa Kua, or others of the soft arts. Once flow is mastered, the third stage starts to manifest, and this is a stage of imagination. Can you make people back away from you just by looking at them, can you fall somebody down with your intent, as opposed to actually touching them.

The fourth stage is going to be available after you have achieved the abilities I’ve just described. This is going to be where you make stones levitate. Can you take imagination and make the things of the world do what you want them to do?

Can you imagine a stone lifting, and it lifts solely through your imagination? This is not muscle, and is, in fact, in a direction opposite to muscle. Though, remember, it is necessary on the first stage.

The real key is in understanding, not in mysticism, for mysticism is the fact of words and concepts not really being understood and therefore not really usable. The real key is in running imagination through your body on the lower levels, and then being able to manifest that imagination outside your body. Of course, at this point, you should probably find a workable method for isolating the exact physics of The True Martial Arts.

But to start from scratch, go to and find a course on good Kung Fu.

Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog at the top of the sidebar.

Howling in the Night at Monkeyland!

The Power of the Kiai is Felt at Monkeyland!

A couple of days ago I saw a herd of cows coming up the road to Monkeyland.

Now, I’ll teach just about anybody, but I won’t teach cows. Cows eat the crops, eat the bark off of carefully tended trees, drop their crap everywhere, and are good for nothing but rib eye.

martial arts church
Are you seeking enlightenment?

So I went to the porch and gave them a kiai.

They froze in place, stared up at me.

“Do not come up here!” I boomed. Echoes of my voice rounded the valley, burning my stereophonic instructions into their bovine brains.

They stood, in a quandary, unsure as to what to do.

I repeated my instructions. Again and again.

And the cows went up the other road, away from Monkeyland.

My wife laughed. The idea of me treating cows like…like politically correct morons, and getting away with it.

Only in Monkeyland.

So last night we heard the coyotes howling.

We can’t have coyotes in Monkeyland. They eat the cats, and then the mice don’t get eaten, and the mice then crawl up under the engines of our machines and eat the wires. So, no coyotes. I won’t teach them, and I certainly won’t have them eating our cats.

In a flash I was out on the porch, three in the morning, nekkid, booming my kiai howl across the hills. Dog stood beside me and stared up at me in wonder.

Echoes faded out and a deep silence filled the valley.

The coyotes had been warned, and that by the Pope of Monkeyland.

Satisfied, I went to sleep.

Well, almost satisfied.

I have driven off the cows and coyotes, I am making a place fit for martial arts students of the finest caliber.

So, in my best, booming kiai…COME!


BTW ~ check out pages on friends and donations and products on this site. You can contribute to the greatest undertaking in the martial arts since Shaolin!

Why You Need Martial Arts Discipline to Find God

Using Martial Arts Discipline to Find God

Martial Arts Discipline is pretty crucial when it comes to finding God, or defining any spiritual aspect of life. To understand this we must first define exactly what God is.

Most people agree that the concept of God as a white-haired old man is pretty far out there. That is man making the idea of God look like himself as a patriarch.

martial arts discipline
The answers are in your hand…if you have the discipline to look.

When you read the bible, or the Tao, or various books on Zen, you come across the idea that God can’t be defined.

What is the one thing in life that can’t be defined? Or, for that matter, seen, felt, or touched in any way?


Emotions, or abstracts such as emotions, can all be defined, and even experienced by looking at a sculpt or a painting, or even reading a good book.

But awareness can’t be touched or perceived.

So God is Awareness.

We all have awareness, and it is a good bet that we are all joined by a greater awareness, though we aren’t usually aware of this.

We could call this greater awareness…Greater Awareness.

And we could say that the universe is constructed of this Greater Awareness.

Read your bible now, substituting awareness and Greater Awareness for God in the appropriate places, and the thing makes a fair amount of sense.

Now comes the question: how does one increase awareness.

There are actually several methods.

One could meditate, which is to listen, which is to attempt to penetrate through to the divine through various mental methods.

One could study scripture and pray.

One could ignore the world in an attempt to find the Greater Awareness.

These methods work, but they are suspect to interpretation, and they don’t really define the universe.

To define the universe is the martial arts method.

Consider that the universe is nothing but objects flying through space. So one can study martial arts and become more aware of these objects. And thus more and more aware of the Greater Awareness.

One is using one’s awareness to define the universe, you see, and using one’s awareness leads to more awareness, and thus to the Greater Awareness of the universe.

Thus, the discipline of the martial arts becomes the most defined and easiest and surest method for discovering one’s own Greater Awareness, and even to discovering the Greater Awareness of his fellow man.

Indeed, a person without martial arts awareness is at a severe disadvantage in handling the universe, life, or understanding the concept of God.

Check out the Church of Martial Arts. It’s the place to go if you want to know. Here is the Martial Arts Curriculum at the Church.

The Pope and the Church of Martial Arts!

We do have a new pope. Over a billion people in the world have a new spiritual leader. As the leader of the Church of Monkeyland, I thought it appropriate that I say a word or five.

First, congrats to the new Pope. His original name was George Bergoglio, but he’s going to go by the alias of Pope Francis. I am sure there is a number after that, but I sure don’t know what it would be.

religious martial arts
Now go get them moneylenders!


Now, this new Pope is considered a saint, and that’s good. The bad news…saints don’t fight back.

So how is this new Pope going to trash the moneylenders and send them packing, eh?

It’s a good question. And, I would like to let the Pop know (I know he is reading this blog, is, in fact, a faithful follower of this blog,) that if he wants to pilgrimage to Monkeyland I will give him a few free lessons in the martial arts.

It’s true. All he has to do is show up on my doorstep, with the proper attitude (but, please, do without the fancy robes), and I will give him lessons that result in him being the meanest, the baddest, the greatest Pop Pope ever to walk the walk.

I figure we’ll start out with some soft Tai Chi, lengthen his life a bit, enable him to enjoy being a Pop longer than normal. Hey, let’s face it, these guys are old, they don’t last long, they need every bit of help they can get!

Then, we’ll shift into some Shaolin, show him how to move and groove in the middle of the worst streetfight imaginable.

Why, when I get done with him, he will be renowned as the fightinest Pope ever to wear the robe.

Okey, dokey.

And, if any of you fellows out there want to get a little religion in your martial arts, I can teach you, too.

Of course, it might be more appropriate if you started out at Monster MArtial Arts, picked up some Matrixing, and then got yourself seriously serious.

You know?


What is Wrong?

Not a one of us hasn’t asked that question…what is wrong with me?

Heck, it is an interesting question because, let’s face it, we are the most interesting thing in this universe. We’re more interesting than rocks or cars or how to make yellow pudding.

whats wrong with life

But the real point here is that at some point we question ourselves, ask whats wrong with me, and wonder why life is all fouled up.

Maybe the parents are rotten, maybe the kids show no respect, maybe the boss is ragging…maybe the durned politicians are acting up and raising taxes. There really is no end to the problems that this life can bring.

So what’s wrong with you? Actually, the only thing wrong with you is you don’t know where you are, what you are supposed to do, or even who you are.

I mean, don’t let me be gentle or anything, but we gots some problems!

Now, the solution is find out where you are, who you are, and make up your mind what you want to do. And, funny, thing, these things are easily resolved.

The short answer: you are awareness. You are in the universe. You are supposed to find something to do and do it.

Longer answer.

You are awareness. This can be ascertained by doing something as simple as assuming a yoga posture and sitting in it, and letting your imagination drift. Heck. You are awareness. And, truth, you could figure this out with a loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and somebody you like.

Where you are is a universe. This universe is a bunch of space defined by objects that collide with you.

You can survive or not depending upon your ability to calculate the flow of objects (their direction and speed) and their probability of colliding with you.

Interestingly, this last formula: analyze and handle force and direction, is at the heart of the martial arts. In fact, the martial arts are the ONLY discipline on earth which results in enlightenment of the practitioner. Interestingly, not many people, even martial arts students, realize this. They think they are fighting. A few get the bolt out of the blue, but most just become calm and confident.
But isn’t calm and confident the result of knowing how to handle the force and flow of objects in this universe? Isn’t that enlightenment? Or at least the obvious result of enlightenment, whether one realizes they are enlightened or not?

So you are you, Aware. And you are in a universe that, if you study the martial arts, becomes easy to handle.

Guaranteed, once you have some martial arts under your belt, life works better. You get better jobs, you are less prone to get sick, your children aren’t so disrespectful, even plain, old people on the street treat you like you are something special.

Of course, I don’t expect you to believe me. I am not even trying to push martial arts on you. what I really want you to do is consider the logic of this article, and then think about whether you would like your life to work.

If you want your life to work, if you want to find out what you are supposed to do, then check out some of the neutronics on this site, see if the logic holds true, then consider taking up a discipline, or at least finding out what is behind the discipline (Neutronics).

Have a great day, and I hope you never have to ask yourself that question again…What is Wrong With Me?

martial arts

Introducing Church of Martial Arts

Martial Arts and religion, sort of an oxymoron, eh?

I mean, what do you do, kill ’em and then convert ’em? That’s sort of backwards.

That said, only a fool would argue with the spiritual benefits of the martial arts. Heck, there is a long history of spirituality in the martial arts. Every martial art sems to be influenced by Christianity or Taoism or Buddhism, or whatever.

The problem, of course, is that the martial arts are leeching on to what has been created, and not being established for what they are: a might fine method for discovering the truth of a man’s soul. This is somewhat true even for such things as the Shaolin Temple, or the Mountain monasteries of China.

So this site is about a religion that is martial arts based. It is not trying to align the martial arts with other practices.

This actually covers a lot of ground.

At heart is the fact that man is Awareness.

If you examine the universe it is nothing but objects flying around and colliding with each other. So, objects in space. And what isa man? He is an object floating around and having collisions…seeming at whim.

But, then what is Awareness?

You can measure the universe, but you cannot measure Awareness. It is a classic case of abstract v the concrete. Thus, Awareness, being the only ‘thing’ not actually ‘of’ this universe, it becomes the sole goal of our efforts.

Can you become more Aware? Anybody who has partaken of the Martial Arts disciplines knows that you can.

Can you become Aware of that which is All Aware? Anybody who has an ounce of faith in their soul would agree wholeheartedly. And those who don’t agree need merely delve into a true martial art to find the answer.

So, we seek. And a new door is opened. A new method, which takes into account all other methods, and which resolves classic questions, and which has a certain footpath, complete with certain sign posts.

Do your martial arts as prescribed. Matrix them to make them faster, and so to get where you are going faster. Study Neutronics to increase your natural, spiritual abilities, and to fully exploit your own personal power.

Find the truth of yourself.

Indeed, your body is a temple, and your form is a prayer. Move the temple enough, pray enough, and your answers will be manifest.

It is a simple enough procedure, takes only heart and soul, conviction and belief. Anybody can do it. If they are a fanatic, a zealot, a person who is used to getting things done.
