Using Martial Arts Discipline to Find God
Martial Arts Discipline is pretty crucial when it comes to finding God, or defining any spiritual aspect of life. To understand this we must first define exactly what God is.
Most people agree that the concept of God as a white-haired old man is pretty far out there. That is man making the idea of God look like himself as a patriarch.

When you read the bible, or the Tao, or various books on Zen, you come across the idea that God can’t be defined.
What is the one thing in life that can’t be defined? Or, for that matter, seen, felt, or touched in any way?
Emotions, or abstracts such as emotions, can all be defined, and even experienced by looking at a sculpt or a painting, or even reading a good book.
But awareness can’t be touched or perceived.
So God is Awareness.
We all have awareness, and it is a good bet that we are all joined by a greater awareness, though we aren’t usually aware of this.
We could call this greater awareness…Greater Awareness.
And we could say that the universe is constructed of this Greater Awareness.
Read your bible now, substituting awareness and Greater Awareness for God in the appropriate places, and the thing makes a fair amount of sense.
Now comes the question: how does one increase awareness.
There are actually several methods.
One could meditate, which is to listen, which is to attempt to penetrate through to the divine through various mental methods.
One could study scripture and pray.
One could ignore the world in an attempt to find the Greater Awareness.
These methods work, but they are suspect to interpretation, and they don’t really define the universe.
To define the universe is the martial arts method.
Consider that the universe is nothing but objects flying through space. So one can study martial arts and become more aware of these objects. And thus more and more aware of the Greater Awareness.
One is using one’s awareness to define the universe, you see, and using one’s awareness leads to more awareness, and thus to the Greater Awareness of the universe.
Thus, the discipline of the martial arts becomes the most defined and easiest and surest method for discovering one’s own Greater Awareness, and even to discovering the Greater Awareness of his fellow man.
Indeed, a person without martial arts awareness is at a severe disadvantage in handling the universe, life, or understanding the concept of God.
Check out the Church of Martial Arts. It’s the place to go if you want to know. Here is the Martial Arts Curriculum at the Church.