Martial Arts Meditation and how to Make It Work!
There is a secret to Martial Arts Meditation, and this secret should be understood before one attempts ANY kind of meditation.
First, meditation, Martial Arts or otherwise, is very poorly defined. Ask any number of priests, buddhists, taoists, or any other religious person about meditation, and you will receive a variety of quite different answers. These answers may differ greatly and lead one in a variety of odd directions

This writer’s introduction to meditation, for instance, was that if a person could focus his attention on one object for three minutes he could conquer the universe.
Try it. Light a candle or place an object on a shelf, or just have an image in your mind, and look at it and think only of it for three minutes. Hold that focus and do not allow any distraction; think only of that object. It is interesting.
One can achieve more focus in their awareness, and this can help you in life, but doesn’t it seem like there should be more instruction?
What should one focus on?
How does one object relate to all the universe?
Are there tricks to help one focus awareness?
Is this really meditation? Or just a mental trick?
One just feels that there is a truth to be understood here, but there is not enough data to make that truth obvious, even with three minutes, or three months, or three years, or three lifetimes!
So the secret of martial arts meditation is to listen.
Sit and listen to what is happening in the world around you.
Mind you, this is martial arts meditation because in the martial arts one analyzes the force and flow of objects in the universe, and in this simple listening exercise one is listening to the force and flow of objects in the universe.
The one thing that may happen is that you will find yourself focusing on, becoming aware of, tension around the eye area. This is likely because the eyes are the predominate tool of perception, and you are not using them. They are antsy and want to be used. So you have to force them to relax, tell them to relax, and focus on listening.
Do this simple martial arts meditation for three minutes; just listen, without interruption or distraction; when you can do this without break you will find yourself quite enlightened, and quite ready for the next step of meditation.
Do you know the 24 Neutronic Principles? That would give you 24 meditations after you have learned to listen.