Tag Archives: martial arts religion

The Zen Simplicity of Martial Arts

To Be or Not to Be Martial Arts Style

To the beginner the martial arts, and this includes Karate, Kung Fu, Aikido, Tai Chi Chuan, and all other martial disciplines, can be less than simple. There is simply an overwhelm of information, a ‘disgruntlement’ of the mind at the massive influx of new materials.

The simple truth, however, is that the truth is simple.

martial arts discipline
The answers are in you…if you have the discipline to look.

Why these subjects, be they karate or jujitsu or whatever, would not be simple, once once absorbed, is merely the result of engaging the mind to try and describe what is ‘not mind.’

For instance, in the beginning one must wade through instructions concerning physics, anatomy, history, philosophy, and so on. This is made more complex as different arts propose different structure and on many levels, and then often disagree.

The harmony of Aikido is similar to the absorption of Tai Chi Chuan, but there is sufficient difference to argue the terminology.

The striking methods of Wing Chun and boxing, though at heart still just a strike, can be argued ad infinitum.

But in the end, proven by simple and direct experience, a human being is constructed of flesh (body), mind (memories), and spirit (awareness). Thus, all physics, which is the heart of all sciences, can be rendered to a fine simplicity.

The fact is that the discipline of the martial arts focuses on doing to the exclusion of the mind, and thus is achieved enlightenment. Enlightenment is considered, from the unique viewpoint of an accomplished martial arts discipline, to be aware of the self as awareness.

And, yes, the above statement, so simple, is the summation that can be applied on any and all levels of all martial arts.

To do a single act, a kata or technique, a kick or throw, until there is no thought (no interference from the mind), and is intuitive, opens the door to enlightenment.

For once one looks at a fist approaching the face in terms of simple survival, one will begin to look at the approach of the universe in the same way.

Not an overwhelm of factors to be adjusted through eternal tweakings of computations, but a simple ‘Is it going to hit me or not.’

Followed by a simple, ‘Do I block or get out of the way.’

Not complex at all.

The unfortunate truth, however, is that man insists on his own significance in the universe by creating endless paradigm for his actions.

Thus we have reasons of physics, disagreements of anatomy, descriptions of philosophy, and all filtered through the various misunderstandings inherent in unaccomplished and divergent martial arts.

And these are all justifications for one’s existence.

‘To be or not to be,’ placed in endless loop.

But the simple truth is if one practices the discipline, and this of widely varied arts such as Karate or Aikido,Tai Chi Chuan or Kenpo, then one is engaged in ignoring the mind; one is functioning in an emptiness of reason and a purity of awareness.

Survival blots out psychological ramifications, and puts an end to philosophical meanderings – and justifications – of the awareness trying to look at itself, but so very unable.

To sum, it is not all the reasons, but the source of reason, the ‘I am,’ that is responsible for conundrum, and the resolution therewith.

The easiest way to cut through the fog of the martial arts, to ignore the mind and to find the truth of the self, is through the logic of matrixing. To matrix the martial arts is to rid the art of silly significance, and to place all the elements and pieces in the correct and easily assimilate-able order.

Matrixing can be found at MonsterMartialArts.com. Further juxtapositions of martial arts philosophy, real as opposed to the justifications of students mired in the endless mirrors of their own minds, can be read at ChurchofMartialArts.com.

Howling in the Night at Monkeyland!

The Power of the Kiai is Felt at Monkeyland!

A couple of days ago I saw a herd of cows coming up the road to Monkeyland.

Now, I’ll teach just about anybody, but I won’t teach cows. Cows eat the crops, eat the bark off of carefully tended trees, drop their crap everywhere, and are good for nothing but rib eye.

martial arts church
Are you seeking enlightenment?

So I went to the porch and gave them a kiai.

They froze in place, stared up at me.

“Do not come up here!” I boomed. Echoes of my voice rounded the valley, burning my stereophonic instructions into their bovine brains.

They stood, in a quandary, unsure as to what to do.

I repeated my instructions. Again and again.

And the cows went up the other road, away from Monkeyland.

My wife laughed. The idea of me treating cows like…like politically correct morons, and getting away with it.

Only in Monkeyland.

So last night we heard the coyotes howling.

We can’t have coyotes in Monkeyland. They eat the cats, and then the mice don’t get eaten, and the mice then crawl up under the engines of our machines and eat the wires. So, no coyotes. I won’t teach them, and I certainly won’t have them eating our cats.

In a flash I was out on the porch, three in the morning, nekkid, booming my kiai howl across the hills. Dog stood beside me and stared up at me in wonder.

Echoes faded out and a deep silence filled the valley.

The coyotes had been warned, and that by the Pope of Monkeyland.

Satisfied, I went to sleep.

Well, almost satisfied.

I have driven off the cows and coyotes, I am making a place fit for martial arts students of the finest caliber.

So, in my best, booming kiai…COME!


BTW ~ check out pages on friends and donations and products on this site. You can contribute to the greatest undertaking in the martial arts since Shaolin!

Why You Need Martial Arts Discipline to Find God

Using Martial Arts Discipline to Find God

Martial Arts Discipline is pretty crucial when it comes to finding God, or defining any spiritual aspect of life. To understand this we must first define exactly what God is.

Most people agree that the concept of God as a white-haired old man is pretty far out there. That is man making the idea of God look like himself as a patriarch.

martial arts discipline
The answers are in your hand…if you have the discipline to look.

When you read the bible, or the Tao, or various books on Zen, you come across the idea that God can’t be defined.

What is the one thing in life that can’t be defined? Or, for that matter, seen, felt, or touched in any way?


Emotions, or abstracts such as emotions, can all be defined, and even experienced by looking at a sculpt or a painting, or even reading a good book.

But awareness can’t be touched or perceived.

So God is Awareness.

We all have awareness, and it is a good bet that we are all joined by a greater awareness, though we aren’t usually aware of this.

We could call this greater awareness…Greater Awareness.

And we could say that the universe is constructed of this Greater Awareness.

Read your bible now, substituting awareness and Greater Awareness for God in the appropriate places, and the thing makes a fair amount of sense.

Now comes the question: how does one increase awareness.

There are actually several methods.

One could meditate, which is to listen, which is to attempt to penetrate through to the divine through various mental methods.

One could study scripture and pray.

One could ignore the world in an attempt to find the Greater Awareness.

These methods work, but they are suspect to interpretation, and they don’t really define the universe.

To define the universe is the martial arts method.

Consider that the universe is nothing but objects flying through space. So one can study martial arts and become more aware of these objects. And thus more and more aware of the Greater Awareness.

One is using one’s awareness to define the universe, you see, and using one’s awareness leads to more awareness, and thus to the Greater Awareness of the universe.

Thus, the discipline of the martial arts becomes the most defined and easiest and surest method for discovering one’s own Greater Awareness, and even to discovering the Greater Awareness of his fellow man.

Indeed, a person without martial arts awareness is at a severe disadvantage in handling the universe, life, or understanding the concept of God.

Check out the Church of Martial Arts. It’s the place to go if you want to know. Here is the Martial Arts Curriculum at the Church.

Church of Martial Arts Curriculum!

Monkeyland Curriculum Introduced!

The Curriculum of Monkeuland is being presented on this page. Martial Arts Curriculum.

There are seven pages under that page, and there is yet much work to be done.

monkey kung fu
Official Emblem of The Church of Martial Arts

The course of studies to be offered at and through Monkeyland includes seven stages, from Postulant (seeker), to Abbot. This is a logical presentation, based on logic and geometry and tied together by Matrixing, of the following seven steps.

  1. Postulant ~ Matrix Karate
  2. Novice ~ Temple Karate
  3. 3rd Monk ~ Shaolin Kung Fu
  4. 2nd Monk ~ Pa Kua Chang
  5. 1st Monk ~ Tai Chi Chuan
  6. Priest ~ Weapons
  7. Abbot ~ Research and Development

The pages are in the outline stage at present, but future work will include full packages, including Neutronics and other material.

For those of you who have been following Monster Martial Arts over the years, the larger picture is now understandable.

It should be stated that the ‘lite’ courses offered here – lite martial arts courses – will shortly be canceled. They may be included in the packages, for they are valuable, especially to the person who has little martial arts experience, or little martial arts experience in a specific Martial Art.

Also, prices of courses at Monster Martial Arts may be going up in the near future.

All proceeds will go towards supporting The Church of Martial Arts, also called Monkeyland, and I thank you for your donations.

People interested in keeping up with the goings on at Monkeyland should subscribe to this blog, which is now called the Monkeyland Gazette. Subscription box is in the top of the right sidebar at the ChurchofMartialArts.com.