There is reality, and there is you, and, sometimes, it seems never the twain shall meet.
I mean, how do you make things happen?
How do you achieve your dreams?
How do you make this universe do things?

Here is a short series of articles describing one of the facets of self empowerment, as espoused by the Church of Martial Arts.
Mind you, this stuff is rather unique, and that is because it is from the viewpoint of the Martial Arts.
In the first article you will understand the importance of Visualization in your daily life.
In the second article you will understand how the Martial Arts helps you achieve your goals with visualization.
In the third article you will understand the realities of Neutronics in Visualization.
In the fourth article you will understand how to move the Universe with Neutronic Visualization.
Are you ready to become a Superior Spiritual Being?
1 Discipline as a Method for Making Visualization Work
2 The Martial Arts are the Best Method for Achieving Visualization
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